
Dr. Numb Topical Numbing Anaesthetic Cream 5% Lidocaine 30 Grams, Special Price, Buying Offers, and Reviews

Take a look at special sale offers of Dr. Numb Topical Numbing Anaesthetic Cream 5% Lidocaine 30 Grams, and best prices specially brought to you.  You can also compare prices and see what customers have to say about the product by reading Dr. Numb Topical Numbing Anaesthetic Cream 5% Lidocaine 30 Grams, reviews (click the review button below ).


 Product Features/Description

Numbs Your Skin Fast and Lasts 4 Hours NON-OILY WATER BASED Works for Laser Tattooing and hair Removal

Directions How to apply Dr. Numb Cream For minor procedures it is very important to follow exactly the instructions given below: 1. Wash the area receiving laser treatment with soap and water. Dry area completely. 2. Apply a thick amount of numbing cream to the area and rub in thoroughly. 3. Now that the cream has been rubbed into the tattoo, place an additional, thin layer of cream over the area. 4. Cover the cream with plastic wrap (saran wrap). The heat under the plastic wrap helps activate the cream and keeps the cream form drying off. 5. Leave the plastic wrap on until it is removed by the professional before the procedure

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